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Rice Cook-Off 2018 Winners

September is National Rice Month, and in celebration, the Calcasieu-Cameron Rice Growers sponsored the 21st Annual Rice Cook Off September 19, 2018, at the Port of Lake Charles. The Port of Lake Charles hosted the event and was the sponsor of the awards luncheon. Family and Consumer Science students from fifteen area middle schools and high schools participated in the event.

First place for the “Best Dish” category went to T’Niya Williams (Crawfish Rice) of Westlake High School, 2nd place went to Makenzie Yentzen (Rice Berry Pie) of Moss Bluff Middle School, 3rd place was awarded to Kayleigh Conner (Spicy Shrimp Casserole) of Hackberry High School, and “Most Heart Healthy” dish went to Gweneth Ardoin (Heart Healthy Pineapple) of Iowa High School. Farmers Rice Milling Co., Inc. sponsored rice cookers for each contestant.

The production, milling and exporting of rice has a major economic affect on Southwest Louisiana, and the education of our students in Family and Consumer Sciences is important in combating health, nutrition and family issues that are major problems for our community.

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